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Ukrainians are met with open arms

The International

"Ukraine is always in my heart." Anna Coen has been involved in improving conditions for the Ukrainian diaspora in pretty much all the places around the world where she has set foot since she left Ukraine 17 years ago. Now she is putting her skills to good use as a volunteer with The Association for Ukrainians in Denmark, AUD.

Photographs: Vian Backer Shaker

Text: Anna Charlotte Kanst

The organisation, run entirely by volunteers, was formed as a union to centralise the different Danish Ukrainian support organisations and functions as an ‘umbrella’. Besides providing critical humanitarian aid directly to the Ukrainian borders, the AUD has ensured that Ukrainians arriving in Denmark get the best possible welcome. The organisation helps provide accommodation, gives free legal advice, helps with urgent translation needs, and provides free psychological aid. The AUD also operates a hotline to provide immediate advice to newly arrived Ukrainians.

According to Anna Coen, the AUD and their essential work have been received very well in Denmark, both by the government, politicians, and the general public: “The support from Denmark has been huge - we feel it so much, and we felt it from the first day of the war.”

“The organisation helps provide accommodation, gives free legal advice, helps with urgent translation needs, and provides free psychological aid.”

Anna Coen’s primary focus is on promotion and spreading awareness: “I see it as my personal mission; I am fighting on the informational front.” Her advice to anyone in Denmark who wants to help is to use their social media to share information and stop the myths and misinformation from spreading; “even one small comment helps.”

To find out more about how you can help or find details about upcoming events, you can check out or contact AUD via their Facebook page or website, or you may contact Anna Coen directly via Facebook.

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