You can get started with some of these things before you leave, but the likelihood is that you will be incredibly busy juggling a hundred and one other things, so cut yourself a bit of slack.
Photograph: Visit Denmark - Martin Heiberg
Text: Laura Wintemute
One piece of advice that will make your life ten times less stressful, but might be more down to luck than anything, is to move to a place where you already have someone you know. This can provide you with emergency accommodation, advice on paperwork, language assistance and even just reassurance for when the first bout of homesickness kicks in.
Public transport
The most common form of transport in Denmark is, of course, biking, especially in the large cities. Second to that is using the public transport system.
There are several convenient ways to purchase a ticket:
The DOT Tickets app
Rejsekort (travel card) can be bought at the main train stations
Ticket machines located in all stations
Directly from the bus driver (cash only)
Kiosks at many of the stations
Rejsekort (travel card) is an electronic ticketing system for travelling by bus, train, and metro. Rejsekort unites the different transport operators, travel zones, ticketing systems, and discount schemes into a common system, making it easier for passengers to use public transport services in Denmark. Rejseplanen is an excellent journey planner that combines the different public transport network to organise your journey. You can download their app or visit their website: www.rejseplanen.dk
Driver's license
EU/EEA/Swiss: Valid driver's licenses issued within the EU are valid in Denmark.
Non-EU: Depending on the country you are coming from, you can drive on your valid foreign driving license for 90 days from the day you establish residence in Denmark.
After 90 days, you must exchange your foreign driving license for a Danish driving license. To exchange your foreign driving license for a Danish one, you are requested to complete a driving test (consisting of a theoretical and a practical part).
Contact the Citizen Service Center, where you live, for further information and exchange your foreign license. It will cost you DKK 280 to exchange your old license for a Danish one.
Documents needed:
A passport photo
Residence documents
Your current driving licence
Your passport/national ID card
A medical certificate issued by your doctor
A written declaration that your driving licence has not been revoked within the last five years and that your right to drive has not been restricted or made conditional in any way
There are different ways to pay for parking:
Mobile payment: Download an app from one of the providers (EasyPark is the most common)
Residential or commercial parking licence: Different parking licenses are available to permanent residents within the pay zone or in an area with time-restricted parking.
For more information and prices, visit www.parkering.kk.dk/en
Importing your car
If you take up residence in Denmark and bring a vehicle, you must register it within 30 days of arrival and pay a registration tax. This tax is based on the tax authorities valuation of the vehicle. More information can be found online at www.skat.dk
Media licenses
In Denmark, anyone owning a radio, a television, a smartphone or a computer capable of receiving and displaying pictures must pay a media fee (medielicens). The fee applies to the entire household. You must pay even if you do not watch or listen to the radio or TV channels. You pay for owning the equipment. The fee is a statutory equipment tax, and it is payable in advance every six months. The fee is DKK 1,353 per year.
Some of the essential insurances in Denmark are:
Personal liability insurance (Ansvarsforsikring)
Household insurance (Indboforsikring)
Accident insurance (Ulykkesforsikring)
Unemployment insurance (Arbejdsløshedsforsikring)
Life insurance (Livsforsikring)
Legal protection insurance (Retshjælpsforsikring)
Car insurance (Bilforsikring) – if you have a car
Dog insurance (Hundeforsikring) – if you have a dog
Danish language lessons
Once you have your CPR number, you are eligible for Free Danish courses offered by your local municipality. Please note that you may be required to pay a deposit to start the education at some schools. You can start learning Danish even before you arrive via online Danish Language providers. This will give you a good head start on learning the language.
There's so much to learn about living in Denmark, so to make your transition here smooth, we are here to help. Homestead offers support with all of the above, including shopping, groceries, healthcare, cultural awareness, partner and family support, dual career opportunities, education, childcare, pet relocation and care. If you need any help settling in, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at www.homesteaddenmark.com / www.inthq.org