At North Zealand International School, we are very proud of how our students have adapted to all the changes this year. Their resilience, combined with our great teachers means the school has made the very best of this period and flourished.
Photographs: North Zealand International School - Mariska Volkers
Text: Shani Bishop
Parents choose North Zealand International School for many reasons. For some, it is the high-quality, rigorous education we provide. For others, it's the close-knit community which provides a nurturing environment for their children. Many parents love the fact that NIS is an accredited International Primary Curriculum provider (only the 28th in the world!). Everyone agrees though that living in such a beautiful area away from the hustle and bustle is delightful.
Our first summer school!
This year, North Zealand International School will offer our students the chance to attend a summer school. NIS teachers have put together an exciting programme which offers sports, drama, arts, crafts, language and STEM workshops. These one-week camps are at the beginning and end of the holiday when our students and their families really need them.
The long hot summer ahead
With the teaching and learning at school drawing to a close, all parents are starting to think about family activities during the summer. The best activities are always the ones that combine fun with a little learning. Here are some ideas from our parents at NIS; you won't find these in any guide books. These are the little gems our parents have discovered…

Free activities near North Zealand International School
Visit a Nature playground, our favourite is Eghjorten: www.naturlegepladser.dk/
Tisvilde Nature Playground in Tisvildeleje is also a firm favourite.
Find the walkways and tree houses at the KU Forest School. Visit A to H on the map: https://skovskolen.ku.dk/oplevskovskolen/
Try crab fishing and racing at a harbour, visit our favourite one at Rungsted Havn: www.familyfecs.com/2017/07/rungsted-harbour-crab-catching-crab.html
Explore the statues in this statue park and find your favourite one. Rudolph Tegner: www.rudolphtegner.dk/
Discover a ruined castle: www.kroneborg.dk/283/gurre-slotsruin
Other suggestions
Pick some juicy strawberries, and other summer treats at a 'Pick your own' farm: https://selvpluk.com/
We love Rokkedyssegaard for its delicious fruit and great café serving homemade ice cream.
Visit a Fredensborg Palace and enjoy a guided tour in English in the summer months: https://kongeligeslotte.dk/en/palaces-and-gardens/fredensborg-paaceand-palace-gardens/visit-us.html
Try tree climbing in Hornbæk: www.havreholmklatrebane.dk/aabningstider-priser.aspx or Nivå: www.nivaacamping.dk/nivaa-klatrepark/
Enjoy the amazing sand sculptures at Hundested. Sculptors come from all over Europe to create these impressive designs: www.sandfestival.dk/#home
Take a trip to an organic farm or farm shop. Try Krogerup Avlsgaard in Humlebæk and Stengården in Birkerød.
Spend the day at Helsingør, it has lots to do - Kronborg Castle, the Maritime Museum as well as The Culture Yard and Shipyard's Food Market.
Stretch yourselves with a puzzle. Older children (12+) will love the Escape Room in Hillerød: www.escapee.dk
If you're looking for sweet treats, try Artistico in Espergærde. They sell delicious homemade Italian ice cream.
Expats, Internationals and re-pats living in Nordsjælland can really benefit from joining the Nordsjælland International Community Group (NIC) on Facebook. You'll find a space where you can network, meet, learn from each other and enhance your life: www.facebook.com/groups/NSJIC
Activities further afield…
Interact with art! There's mirrors, steam and more here: Kunstpark Ordrupgaard, Charlottenlund: https://ordrupgaard.dk/kunstpark/
Find the 6 forgotten giants in west Copenhagen. Our favourite is Oscar under the bridge. Take the train to Ishøj and hunt for the camouflaged bird boxes on the way to Oscar Bird boxes: https://thomasdambo.com/works/camouflage-birdhouses/
Do a treasure hunt with your mobile, try Geocaching: www.geocaching.com/play
There are 5,939 geocaches around Copenhagen to find!
Try an outdoor swimming pool, there's Friluftsbadet Badesøen which is brilliant!
For more child-friendly ideas, google Børn i byens and Visitdenmark.com
From everyone at North Zealand International School, have a great summer!