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Empowering talented women

Monika Pedersen

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

Text: Monika Pedersen


The phrase 'charity begins at home' could not be truer at Copenhagen International School, CIS, where students reach out and help others through the school's oldest and most cherished Charity Club, headed up by Amy Faircloth and Ute Reichert. The club provides students with the opportunity to connect with people living in challenging parts of the world, appreciate and contribute to eradicating the trials of poverty, and learn project management skills.

Club members collaborate with the Non-Governmental Organisation, The Talent Tree, and their sister organisation in Ghana, The Talented Women's Club, which operates a microcredit cooperative, loaning money to local women in Accra, with ground root business initiatives. These entrepreneurial women would otherwise not have funds as they are ineligible for bank loans. This trust-based loan scheme empowers women to control their finances and better provide for their families, especially their children's welfare and education. In addition, the Charity Club fundraises by selling valentine roses, hosting football tournaments, concerts and trivia nights.

“This trust-based loan scheme empowers women to control their finances and better provide for their families.”

In partnership with the Global Health and Nutrition department at Metropolitan University, Copenhagen, the Civil Society in Development, and CIS, the Talent Tree is working on a new line of support. The initiative aims to educate the local women on the correlation between health, nutrition, exercise and increased life span. CIS students have funded Ghanaian health experts to work with the women and develop a healthier living model. They have also purchased a plot of farmland, where fruit and vegetables are grown. Students are genuinely passionate and approach local global companies such as Novo Nordisk for further financial support.

To support the Charity Club, click on the link:

Please tick the box "The Charity Club" so the monies reach the correct charity.


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